How Often Should You Visit the Dentist?

By iO Dentistry

A healthy smile is a happy smile! That’s why regular dental care and visits to your dentist are important. But how often should you visit the dentist to ensure your dental health stays in top form? Here’s what you need to know.

Why Regular Dental Visits are Important

You might wonder if regular dental visits are really necessary if you take good care of your teeth at home and don’t seem to have any problems. But regular dental visits are important to prevent problems.

When you visit the dentist for a routine visit, they can check for issues like plaque and tartar build-up or gum irritation that are early warning signs of more serious issues developing. If caught early enough and addressed promptly, your dentist can help you to avoid problems like cavities and gum disease in the future.

How Often Should You Go?

So, now that you know how important regular dental visits are, how often should you visit the dentist? The answer can depend on a number of factors.

It’s typically recommended that healthy patients visit every 6 months for an exam and professional cleaning, but if you have a history of gum disease, tooth decay, or other health issues that could affect your dental health, then your dentist might recommend that you visit more often to help ensure your teeth and gums stay in optimum health.

What if My Dentist Finds a Problem?

Many people feel nervous about visiting the dentist, especially if they haven’t been in a while, because they are worried their dentist might find a problem and that treatment might be costly or cause discomfort. The good news is that most dentists have multiple finance options available to make things affordable and thanks to modern dentistry treatment rarely causes discomfort.

Talk with Your Dentist

Knowing the answer to the question, “How often should you visit the dentist?” is important because it can help you keep your teeth their healthiest, strongest, and brightest. At your next appointment, talk with your dentist and ask them to help you develop a custom dental care plan for your needs.

Call our to make an appointment with a dentist who may be able to help you find out more about this topic, and improve your oral health.