When Is the Best Time to Brush Your Teeth?

When is the Best Time to Brush Your Teeth
By iO Dentistry

Life is changing and so are our routines. As we shift to the ways the world has changed in the wake of COVID-19, we may be wondering how to change our lives to fit the new normal. So when is the best time to brush your teeth?

Your Schedule Matters

When you brush your teeth isn’t as big of a deal as you think. Just so long as you do so twice a day for 2 minutes each time. It’s more important that you do it regularly, and round it out with other oral hygiene faithfuls such as flossing and mouthwash. So work around your day whether you’re working from home, or doing strange shifts, or just your average 9-5 at the office.

Protecting Your Teeth From Plaque

Before you sleep for a long period of time is the best time to do a little oral hygiene, to protect your teeth from long close contact with plaque.
Another debate on the “when to brush” topic is whether to brush before or after breakfast. Either time is fine, as your teeth will be clean either way. But if you do brush after breakfast, maybe wait a half hour to an hour before grabbing the toothbrush. Acidic or high sugar foods such as pastries or orange juice can interact with your enamel, making it more susceptible to extra wear if you brush directly after a meal.

What About Flossing and Mouthwash?

You can do these according to what most fits your lifestyle. There’s no hard and fast rule about whether or you should floss before or after you brush your teeth. What is important is that you do it! Mouthwash is not as impactful as brushing or flossing when it comes to oral health. It’s more an aid for fresh breath, so focus on doing this part of your routine when you’re likely to get the most out of it.

Other Brushing Tips

Replace your toothbrush often, selecting a soft bristled brush with a small head so you can reach those hard to clean places. Be thorough, taking time to carefully clean each tooth for all angles when you brush your teeth. Be sure to use an ADA approved fluoridated toothpaste as a part of your routine. Also, do not rinse after brushing, spit out any excess toothpaste to allow the fluoride some time to do its work.

Call our to make an appointment with a dentist who may be able to help you find out more about this topic, and improve your oral health.